Click on the video to watch Diana teaching puppies to ‘Go To Bed’ when told and to ‘Stay There'
Now available-Meet ‘Lilly’& ‘Millie'
Sire is a direct German import!
These two sisters have had basic training & are ready to go to their new homes!
Born: 3/11/24
‘Lilly’ -NOW SOLD

‘Millie’ - NOW SOLD

Walk nicely on leash / Sit / Sit-Stay / Down / Down Stay / Recall (Come when called / 'Find It' / 'Go to Bed' and stay there / Manners / Crate Trained / Housebroke / Well Socialized / Shots / AKC registered / Sound temperament / Social & Playful / Confident / Love to work!
It’s so much more enjoyable, and easier, along with a lot less work and sleepless nights to bring home a new puppy who has already been jumpstarted with basic training and early conditioning.

Why not curb puppy issues before they have a chance to develop? Besides being a Professional breeder, Diana is also a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, and she can train your puppy before he comes home to you! Includes: Crate Training/Housebreaking/ Early socialization/Basic obedience training/ House manners/ & Curbing - play-bitting, jumping on people, barking, whining, pulling on leash,
unruly behavior, chewing, digging, and much more!
Click here for more information